
Katie speaking....:D

OMG i love gilmore girls....but i cannot believe she says NO to logans proposal !!! seriously. Really, why does no-one write on this thing? its so much fun ...i almost forgot it was kinda made for tash lol.
Stupid mrs britton...gave me a lunch detention , she has issues that woman...really.
by the way ashleigh...if you ever come on here...thanks for giving me the answers for that :) lol.
has anyone else got that gay CD assignment thing coming up....i really only expect alyssa to reply to any of these questions so yeah lol.
rad ity rad.

Shmalyssa Shmeaking

Shmonjour Shmes Shmamis!
Tash definately doesn't start school this week. So it must be next tuesday. Except in my Diary I think it says next Monday. Well, not this week, anyway.
I agree with you Katie. We musn't have lives or something because we're the only committed ones on this blog. Maybe the others are the ones who don't have lives! But then again... you did just say hazahh! and are on stardoll and I use words like mojo and fret over what colour writiting people are using (not really by the way.)Oh well it's fun. Not having a life is fun everybody!
I think I might go on stardoll nowity now now. I have an account on that thing. hahahahaha
Just to clear that out to everyone who blogs on (i.e, me and katie), a mojo is like a word used for being "in the zone". So everybody who blogs on that's not me (i.e, katie), please give me story ideas so that I can get back typing in my mojo.
Thanking you kindly,
Shmalyssa (the Shmabbity Shmab one.)
P.S. Smatch Shmilmore Shmirls! Shmyou'll Shmet Shmooked! (Watch Gilmore Girls! You'll get hooked!)

Katie speaking...

does anyone knw what day tash starts school?
i thought she said next tuesday cause of egsams....but sarah just told me its this tuesday....and sarahs probably right...but i wannnnna know !!!
tell me if you know when she starts. !!!!!!


Dang it i forgot to say it was me (katie) who wrote the last blog :)

New mojo ???

Fine, fine i'll write in a different colour...so long as i remember.
new mojo? really alyssa lol.
are we like the only people who write in this thing or what lol....probably cause we have nothing better to do.
hmmm what did i do today ?
i practiced my english speeech :) i finished it! HAZAHHH
OH i also watched take the lead last night, such a good movie.
i just finished watching austin powers....that movie is so right...yet SO SO wrong !
this is sad...but im on stardoll right now lol...its so much fun.
i love dressing up all the little celebrity dolls.
i feel like some more chocolate....oh, by the way you should all know i have gained like 1000 kg's this weekend from all the chocolate i have eaten :(
maybe i should go on a run....?
pfffft, yeah right.


Alysso Speakingo

Bonjour mes amis!
write in all colours?
well fine.
write in all colours but black, that's totally and completely fine.
No, I don't mind if you write in my colours.
I'm just too academically challenged to think of anything else smart to blog about.
I mean, I could always turn into one of those "leave britney alone!" youtube type people, but then I wouldn't have a life.
And I don't know what that has to do with anything, anyway.
It was actually Ashleigh's idea for the whole 'colour per person' thing.
Anyway, does anybody have any ideas for me to do a new story about?
I am depseradoes to get into a new mojo.
Please please pleasity please help me and post some topics and ideas for a new fabbity fab novel, all les enfants stupide,


ALYSSA...i shall write in ALL colours :D
lol..just to annoy you :)

アリッサスピーキング ('Alyssa Speaking' in Japanese!)

haha you have to crane your neck to see this!
Bonjour mes amis!
Does nobody read/look/take in anything in my posts?
Seirously, I've been cracking witty jokes non stop and nobody laughs, I have been asking certain people certain questions and have not got answers, and I also pointed out very clearly that Green Title with Black Writing is MINE! and MINE! only, and people are still going against it. Katie, Madi, others....you know who you are. Find your own colours!
Now, I am nice and have actually been reading things addressed to me so I can now conveniantly reply.
Amber, Tash rang me on Fri night too but I did not know about the pizza fiasco until later when we were texting. Did she do the whole "Hello Pig, this is sheep, I have just been talking to goat and she feels uncomfortable being called a cow and so onnity on on?" We had it all planned out. Apparently she accidentally called you a cow (she told me that tonight.) I am pretty sure I have gone over my phone plan by about a hundred dollars.
Oh well, it's for a good cause!
Au revoir les enfants stupide!
(And, to make sure I know you are reading my posts I have made this one purposely longer than usual and am all calling you stupid children in French so if you don't reply in your next post with a "I am not a stupid child!" then I will know that you are not fully committed to the selfless world of blogging.)
P.S. The Japanese symbols on the title might not work on certain computers. Thank you, have a nice day.


what is it with me and making mistakes with spelling when im writing these posts ?
i meant english speech...not history.
i dont even have a history speech.


Hey Tash :) and everyone elseeee :D
How is everyones saturday ?
WOOO weeeekend :)
HAZAHHH just finished my history speech.
TASH hurrry up and get your computer working....people want to talk to you !!!!!!
nice post amber lol..i think you did it right :P
has anyone else finished their speech?
mine probably sucks....but its finished !!!!

ok im gonna go eat a cracker.


Bambi is learning how to post! yay!

Hey i dnt know if i am doing this right, i cant figure out how to post! Hey its bambi! miss you tash... !!!

btw alyssa i talked to her last night (friday) she rang me wen she got to her house, she sed her dad got pizza for dinner and didnt even tell her! lol and she was really hungry!

um ....

i hope i am doing this right

luv ya tash

miss ya

Bambi xoxoxooxoxxoxoxox

P.S the picture is because i am learning!! lol (everyone its laugh at bambi time!)

Alyssa Spokking

Bonjour mes amis!
Just to let every "poster" out there know, Green title with black writing is for Alyssa (me), and Alyssa (me), only. So go be creative and find your own colour.
Utterly sincerly,
Amayzing Alyssa
Au revoir les enfants stupide!


Hey TAshy!

i cant believe you are really gone now. :(

every time i think about or even look at all the stupid blogs everyone has been making it brings big massive tears to my eyes.


i am going to come and steal you ok?? any ways....

madi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

P.S i am slowly adding photos. hehe

Alyssa Speaking (againy genn gen)

Hey katie.
I had to delete some of those threats too...
I wish Tash could have some kind of contact with us. I just tried calling her and she didn't answer so I left a message (and I didn't fall for her messagebank again by the way), and she hasn't rung back! Maybe she went to an internet cafe and did get those threats after all.....


ohk...i forgot to put my name in...Katie...the last post was from KATIE. :)

oh it was me.

the last post was from me by the way.

i want cheese.

I feel like cheese...but i dont have any.

anywho.......whoops...better delete those death threats i was about to send to tash then..

Alyssa Spekking

Hey Tash, when you finally see this,
Just to let you know: Mrs Sandrone came up to me today in Maths (the 29th) and said she didn't even know you were leaving.
Mucho laughos!



OH i get this website,,its cool
hey tashi
omg i didnt even get 2 finish my note in ur book.
i miss u so so much and eveytime i think of u u put tears in my eyes. I luv u so much u are awsome.
Luv tay

Alyssa Fala ('Alyssa Speaking' in Galician, whatever that is.)

hey everybody
Just some quick Tash info. She doesn't have the net for a few more days because she's getting a new computer and all so don't send her tons of threat emails saying that you're going to cut off her ears if she doesn't hurry up and "blog on" or something like that. It started raining when she got to the airport so Amber and I think that might be a sign that she's meant to be back here with fabbity fab us. Of course, if I were in Queensland (or France, which is quite likely), I would want to be back with fabbity fab us.
Au revior les enfants stupide!

Bye Bye Tash :(

Ok, so your now officially in queensland :(
Hope you enjoy your weeek off tashy, and have a GOOOOD first day at school...but you know, obviously not as good as your first day at william clarke (considering i was there)
come back to us soon :)


OMG KATIE!!!! i am gunna kill you!!!
"madi has cake on her face or wateva it was!!!!

Tash if your reading this i am crying,lol its funnny i know i bet you laughing at me!

love you's all heaps!!

Madi xxxx


Alyssa Speaking (Yes...again!)

It's just a quick P.S.! I've been texting Tash all day coz I'm sick and she's Cinderella and she said she actually has "blogged on" but her computer died right before she got to post anything.
She's been cleaning and babysitting all day and had some fabbity fab Nanna soup. How was school everybody?

Alyssa Speaking (yet again)

Bonjour mes amis!
Katie, what on earth makes you think Paris Hilton was moi? It was obviously Paris Hilton! (Okay, so we all know it was me, but me and Ashleigh had planned something mega to post but she 'had to go'. It would have invloved many members of sesame street. I know, awesome!)
About that chicken and cheese thing, once we went to Maccas through the drive-through and I ordered a fillet-o-fish. Got home, opened it up, and there was no fish in it! Just cheese and mayo and these weirdo green things. Maybe they were chillots...hmmm...anyway...er...
Au revoir


OMG i just realised that like the last two words or scentence , whatever i wrote on my last post....RHYMED.
so this shall be a rhyming post !!!!!!

i like potatoes with tomatoes.
ashleigh eats cheese with ease.
madi likes to have cake in her face.
taylor likes to play with hay.

ok...rhymings gone.


Paris hilton???

Alyssa, why are you calling yourself paris hilton?
wooooo orange juice.
dooooo dum dooooo dum.
SO GET YOUR DINOSAUR BUTT ON THIS BLOG AND POST SOMETHING RIGHT THIS SECOND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i had a cheese burger today, i asked for chicken....and do you know what they gave me? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW?
when i specificlly asked for chicken...cheese is what im given.
maybe i should ask for cheese then i'll get chicken?
but then i might get beef or something.
i want a .....TREEEEEE :)
no...i want some food.
but theres nothing to eat...so im going to go improvise....

ok im back and im eating a tree.


Paris Hilton says....

Hey guys,
I am SO hot!

Alyssa de uso de la palabra ('Alyssa Speaking' in Spanish)

Bonjour mes amis!
Katie, I'll have to fill you in on the baby thing at school. It's a rather long story.
I hate sausages by the way. Who posted that i forgot to say something TEHEHEHE blah blah blah stuff. I might think that someone starting with a K and ending with an atie is the culprit.
I just had spag bol. Yummy scrumboes. Too bad I can't taste a thing.
Ciao xox
P.S. check out my fabbity fab blog i made two days ago: Icanstandonmyhead.blogspot.com
Oh hey Ashleigh! You just posted a blog like a minute before this one!
yes, we do have a bloggity blog blog and it's fabbity fab fab and I wish Tash would hurry up and come onnity on on.


YAY!!!! we have a blog...
we have a blog boom boom
we have a blog boom boom
its the blog song!!!!!!!!!! i am eating bubblegum and it got stuck in my hair!!!!!!!!! its okay i got it out... tashy have u seen ur blog yet pleasey weasy post something i sent u the password and stuff. so how r all of my cheesefaces??????????? this is fun i can tell u whatever im doing. okay im going 2 get some water. oh wow there is some chocalate in the fridge. im going 2 ask my mum if i can have it. she said no. im eating it anyway. this is fun chocolate. yes chocolate can be fun!!!!!!!!!!
love from ashy bashy and her awesome chocolate named bob.

Katieeeee :)

Alyssa what are you going on about? a missing baby? LOL.
i feeel like a sausage..i think i'll go eat one...

Ok im back with my sausage :)
its kinda burnt.
i dont really want it now.
im taking it to the bin.

Lalalalalalalalalalala Tash   Lalalalalalallala Tash
thats my song for tash....pretty dang original in my opinion.
ok i dont really know what im talking about ( i had some more chocolate..sshhh)
gooood bye who ever is reading this.
i dont know what the evil laugh was for.

Alyssa Speaking (again)

Hey, guess what I did today? Listened to a Japanese rock song on the bus! I have no idea why Amber has that on her ipod but oh well, bus rides are fabbity fab fab. Also, does anybody know what "excercising your demons" mean? Oh and by the way, Tash, are you missing anything lately...Like...Gee, I dunno...a certain baby?

Alyssa Speaking

why hello there. How cool! Our very own blog. I've made about ten thousand blogs but well...you see...the only posts were me going on and on blahbitty blah blah just talking about how bored I was.
Anyway, why hasn't Natasha come on yet? Honestly, what respect does she have? We make a blog for her and then POW! She doesn't even come on.
Only fooling you Tash, we love you! (If you don't believe me, look at the address bar.)
I can't think of much else to write right now but I am utterly hungry. And yes, I know, you didn't really need to know that.
Ciao xox :)


Wooooo tash :)
its my (katie :) ) first time on this blog and its totally HIP.
lol ashleigh has twilight PJ'S. 
well this isnt going to be a very long post considering i just saw you like 4 hours ago and not much has happened in that time besides me having a paint fight with people ....soooo i hope you have a very pleasent evening, and we all miss you already and we all love you.
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (me impersonating your evil laugh over the computer :)
its getting the most votes in the poll by the way :D


HEY TASHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if your reading this then you probably already know that we made you a blog. An AWESOME blog. Anyway we decided that this would be a cool way to talk to you, so we all have the password and username (so do you i hope). So anytime you feel like talking and were not texting you back or on msn, just make a post and we will all read it and make another post lol. Its like email only cool. On other news i officially have no life, i am sitting here making you a blog at like 11:30 on a sunday morning, hahaha. P.S i think i forgot to mention that im in my twilight PJ's.
All my love (i mean our love) your groupies.
Ash, Tay, Aly, Vic, Bam and Mad AND KATIE!!!. P.S isnt that awesome we can shorten all our names to three letters. :)