
Alyssa de uso de la palabra ('Alyssa Speaking' in Spanish)

Bonjour mes amis!
Katie, I'll have to fill you in on the baby thing at school. It's a rather long story.
I hate sausages by the way. Who posted that i forgot to say something TEHEHEHE blah blah blah stuff. I might think that someone starting with a K and ending with an atie is the culprit.
I just had spag bol. Yummy scrumboes. Too bad I can't taste a thing.
Ciao xox
P.S. check out my fabbity fab blog i made two days ago: Icanstandonmyhead.blogspot.com
Oh hey Ashleigh! You just posted a blog like a minute before this one!
yes, we do have a bloggity blog blog and it's fabbity fab fab and I wish Tash would hurry up and come onnity on on.

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