
アリッサスピーキング ('Alyssa Speaking' in Japanese!)

haha you have to crane your neck to see this!
Bonjour mes amis!
Does nobody read/look/take in anything in my posts?
Seirously, I've been cracking witty jokes non stop and nobody laughs, I have been asking certain people certain questions and have not got answers, and I also pointed out very clearly that Green Title with Black Writing is MINE! and MINE! only, and people are still going against it. Katie, Madi, others....you know who you are. Find your own colours!
Now, I am nice and have actually been reading things addressed to me so I can now conveniantly reply.
Amber, Tash rang me on Fri night too but I did not know about the pizza fiasco until later when we were texting. Did she do the whole "Hello Pig, this is sheep, I have just been talking to goat and she feels uncomfortable being called a cow and so onnity on on?" We had it all planned out. Apparently she accidentally called you a cow (she told me that tonight.) I am pretty sure I have gone over my phone plan by about a hundred dollars.
Oh well, it's for a good cause!
Au revoir les enfants stupide!
(And, to make sure I know you are reading my posts I have made this one purposely longer than usual and am all calling you stupid children in French so if you don't reply in your next post with a "I am not a stupid child!" then I will know that you are not fully committed to the selfless world of blogging.)
P.S. The Japanese symbols on the title might not work on certain computers. Thank you, have a nice day.

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