
New mojo ???

Fine, fine i'll write in a different colour...so long as i remember.
new mojo? really alyssa lol.
are we like the only people who write in this thing or what lol....probably cause we have nothing better to do.
hmmm what did i do today ?
i practiced my english speeech :) i finished it! HAZAHHH
OH i also watched take the lead last night, such a good movie.
i just finished watching austin powers....that movie is so right...yet SO SO wrong !
this is sad...but im on stardoll right now lol...its so much fun.
i love dressing up all the little celebrity dolls.
i feel like some more chocolate....oh, by the way you should all know i have gained like 1000 kg's this weekend from all the chocolate i have eaten :(
maybe i should go on a run....?
pfffft, yeah right.

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