
Shmalyssa Shmeaking

Shmonjour Shmes Shmamis!
Tash definately doesn't start school this week. So it must be next tuesday. Except in my Diary I think it says next Monday. Well, not this week, anyway.
I agree with you Katie. We musn't have lives or something because we're the only committed ones on this blog. Maybe the others are the ones who don't have lives! But then again... you did just say hazahh! and are on stardoll and I use words like mojo and fret over what colour writiting people are using (not really by the way.)Oh well it's fun. Not having a life is fun everybody!
I think I might go on stardoll nowity now now. I have an account on that thing. hahahahaha
Just to clear that out to everyone who blogs on (i.e, me and katie), a mojo is like a word used for being "in the zone". So everybody who blogs on that's not me (i.e, katie), please give me story ideas so that I can get back typing in my mojo.
Thanking you kindly,
Shmalyssa (the Shmabbity Shmab one.)
P.S. Smatch Shmilmore Shmirls! Shmyou'll Shmet Shmooked! (Watch Gilmore Girls! You'll get hooked!)

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