
Alyssa and Ashleigh Speaking! (from the library at rouse hill!)

Hello children.
Twas' the night before the sleepover, when Ashleigh and Alyssa were in art though thy library. Haha from the night before christmas to Billy Shakespeare.
Anyways we've just had a successful shopping trip and have also been to the secret garden and we had a picnic there (with the blowfish)
We bought:
Alyssa: Gilmore Girls DVD (season 6), 2 books (Then he ate my boy entrancers and Pride and Prejudice, Cotton on shirt, mini marshmallows, a lock and some red lea hot chips.
Ashleigh: 2 little bo peep lollie containers, 3 books, red licorice (for alyssa), sour worms (for alyssa, roses chocolates (for alyssa's mum), THE BLOWFISh, musk lollies.
It was fabbity fab fab and double coool with knobs on.
Newsflash! Ashleigh, the newly established vegetarian...has eaten a meat pie! Hallalujiah!
Tongith we are having a gossip girl marathon, watching wild child, and pigging out on honey soy chicken chips, and a whole lot of other things too (see above.)
From the sparkle filled
Barak Obama.
From Alyssa and Ashleigh
(P.S. We didn't really post this in the rouse hill library because Ash was too chicken to hop on the computers there so we just played chess puppets instead. Ciao!)

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