
Alyssa angrily speaking!

would you STOP telling me what happens.
I didn't want to know about Christopher.
Don't tell me ANYTHING else.
Or I will be forced to kill you.
That is just the way it is.
Au revoir mon petit ami! (goodbye my little friend.)
haha how sad I only say Au revoir to Katie now. Oh well!
Ooh and P.S. Katie. I sang seasons of love in choir in yr 6. Me and my friends all joined the choir for a laugh, but then we had to perform at this big festival, and let me tell you, we did NOT sign up for that. Anyways yeah seasons of love is a fabbity fab song with lotsa high notes. Is that the one that goes something about bridges he burned and the way that she died, its time now to sing out though the story never ends...blahbitty blah blah?

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