
Alyssa Speaking like a Speaky thing

Bonjour mes stupide children!
Amber, I am afraid you are not authorized to say hello to my pally Barak. As you are probably aware of he is currently the most powerful woman...er...man, in the world. He is trying to run a country, well, more or less the whole world, and so he does not have time for girlish little hellos from translation and wit-stealing thieves and stupid children.
I am sorry.
Zat is life.
Now, all you petty little animals, you must look at the bar on the right and click on the link to icanstandonmyhead. It is my blog I made about two days before Ashleigh made this one. I have also made a number of others, but they are too embarrassing and poorly established to mention, yet alone to have me lead you to them. Anyway, click on the link- Ashleigh actually put it there, not me-because she liked it so exceptionally much, which means that you all will too.
Au Revoir children!

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