
tash is still confused

Bambi i still dont get why u were sobbing about having a gap year. well unless u intend to join the army that would be sad.
ummm schools ok,
  • we have this weirdo science teacher who always says the word cooky and neva shuts up.
  • Then there is my english and drama teacher, she calls everybody sweeties or darlings, like im serious she neva calls anybody by their actual name (unless they are getting into trouble)
  • They call their canteen the 'Tuck Shop' which i just cant seem to get used to.
  • The school is alot smaller (well the highschool area anyway) its just like the U domountable classroom at WCC well they have a U a bit biger then that and its 2 storey and then thats all they have 4 highschool. and they are all like 'Ugh we have to go to the other side of the school to get to MAths now' and its just to the other side of the U, and im like okayy...
  • umm they have home rooms and they have 4 houses and im in green!!! again, thats the 3rd time now that i have been in a green house

Thats all i can think of now. Oh wait, we also only have 5 days left of school then we go on holidays.

Is that good enough for u bambi??? anyway im gonna go, luv u all


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