
Alyssa Speaking in an Alyssa-ry-ish sort of way

Why, Bonjour Tash!
Of course you are not a stupid child! I am glad that you have thoroughly been reading my posts. You have passed the test of wonderfulosity. Your prize is that you are now officially one of my stupid children, or, as the croissant-eating French people say; "Mes stupide enfants!"
Anyways, Amber, nobody sighs that big.
Ashleigh, where were you today?
Taylor, how is your hippy hip hip?
Victoria, have fun at laser youth night tonight.
Madison, we need to discuss your wedding details.
Katie, I am rather disturbed by the whole grabbing onto me and yelling "SAVE ME!" fiasco this afternoon.
Is that everybody?
Have I adressed everybody?
Oh, I have most rudely forgotten about moi.
Alyssa, I just wanted to say that I think you are amazing, taking in all those stupid children and being the Hippo and Mads' wedding planner and so on.....Your wonder is amazing and aweing and .....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hahahahaha you thought I was asleep! Hahahahaha! POW! Hahahahaha. I just can't be stopped.

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