
guess who

hello tashy, now that u made me go on the blog i expect you to reply, or do i have to use my angry face again? cause i will i mean some of you scally waggs are all talk and no action but ill do it i swear on the biscuits of 1 million purple pens!!!!!! gurgle gurgle: definition= to gurgle, adjective gurgling, used in a sentence: yesterday i went a gurgling mhahahaha bahahahahaha vegetarian sausages!!!!!!!!!!!! bounty farmers fresh cream cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! witha banna milkshake please kind sir right away mrs bubblegum. bazooka zooka bubblegum. gun. i have a gun and im not afraid to use it. afraid. but mummy im afraid of the scary foreign people!!!!!!!!!! well all except 4 faibian i got some good photos of him playing tennis with mr hall this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yum or as alyssa would say BARACK OBAMA IS IN THE BUILDING AND HE BRANG LEMONADE!!!!!!!!!!!

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