
hey sori i'm not smaert enough to blog!!

hey sori i wish i would blog more often
but i am not smart enough
after all i am just a dear (i think.....)
i am really bore, kinda, well not really
i have just finished my english
asiignment and geo thing but i really
just want to read in the bath (one of
bambi's fav past times) but i hav to
check i dnt hav anymore hw! who sed
yr 8 was easy!? not with all the a
ssignments and hw i've gotten! btw
alyssa i am all for the colour thing
black can be all yours! lol
i love u bi-lingual life alyssa but you
know that google translator isn't always
right, right?
love u all bambi
p.s katie u soooo did not but on weight
not from where i am standing (which is
your height and looking straight forward!)
p.p.s yer katie stop ruining gilmore girls
for alyssa i know its really hard knowing
that kind of info but how would you lik it
if someone ruined it for u huh?~ huh~?
*yawn* bambi is tired
ok now bambi is going to settle down, ask
for desert and wait for how i met you mother!

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