
Alyssa Speak(ing)

Yes Katie,
it is I who am replying to art though messages of thee.
I love gilmore girls, but I have no idea who logan is so thanks for ruining the show for me. I now know that whoever logan is will propose to Rory and she will say no. Or maybe it's Lorelei.
I'm only up to season 4, Rory's first year at yale.
Don't feel too bad though, I've had worse Gilmore Girls secrets blabbed to me. Like apparently Luke and Lorelei are about to get married in the end but then Luke's daughter shows up? Hmmmmm, interesting.
I wanted Rory to pick Harvard. Not stinkity stinkin Yale. Oh well I like it now that she's there.
I do have that CD assignment! Got it today! Mucho depressos. I can't believe we only have 3 lessons to do it. Soigvfibr..........
So anyways, yeah...this blog is for Tashy, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun! Its for everybody else too! (Well, if it wasn't already then it is now.)
Ciao fellow idiots! (ie, Katie.)

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